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segunda-feira, 7 de novembro de 2011

JRC activities in support to safety assessment of nanomaterials in consumer products

Nanotechnology is one of today's most promising technological developments. 

The activities of the Joint Research Centre supporting safety assessment of nanomaterials (as shown in this video, issued in October 2011) are aimed at ensuring consumer protection and confidence in many innovative applications and products. 

JRC-IHCP (Fernando Dos Santos - concept, production, post-production and audio, with the support of Barbara Piotrowska for the script) and JRC Audiovisual team (José Blasco Munoz, Cosimo Garganese: post-production, final credits, optimisation). 

Rotating Globe Graphics reproduced by courtesy of ZKad Productions 

Music: Jupiterimages Corp. 2008 - Corporate presentation, vol. 1 

The video (4'12") is available on You Tube, JRC channel at

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